Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 90

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 8
issue Number : 90

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 8، ، issue Number 90

Analysis of Simin Behbahani's poems based on personality components from the point of view of Karen Horne's psychological criticism

Fatemeh Zandi , Sepideh Sepehri (Author in Charge), Arezo Shomali Oskoei , Elaheh Hajiha


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Criticism of personality psychology is one of the new fields in the field of literary research. One of the new and influential theories in literary criticism in order to explain character is Karen Horne"s theory. Karen Horne is a prominent German psychologist who, unlike her teacher Freud, sees the root of human behavior not in physiological drives and congenital problems, but as a result of environmental and social factors. By proposing the theory of "triple personality types", Hornay emphasized the effective role of society and the surrounding environment on human behavior. The purpose of the present research is to analyze the poems of Simin Behbahani, a prominent contemporary poet, based on the social psychology theory of Karen Horne.

METHODOLOGY: The study method in the present research is descriptive-analytical based on library studies and document analysis. The statistical community in this article is Simin Behbahani"s collection of poems. The examples have been selected in a selective and systematic way, and in order to achieve the goals of the article and obtain the necessary information, we have presented the poems that are thematically consistent with the content of the research, to the extent of the article.

FINDINGS: According to the findings of the research, due to the bitter experiences of the surrounding world, social situations and conditions, discrimination and inequality, neurotic mental orientations can be observed in Simin"s poems, which, from Horne"s point of view, is the result of anxiety in the world around the poet.

CONCLUSION: The basic anxiety in Simin Behbahani"s poems has caused the formation of all three personality types: loving, solitary, and superior. Social problems, political and cultural situation, poverty, individual failures, emotional failure are all among the causes and reasons of the poet"s spiritual and behavioral orientations in the form of the three personality types mentioned by Karen Horne.

basic anxiety , contemporary poetry , Simin Behbahani , Karen Hornay , psychoanalytic criticism.

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